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One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Scherlag, Benjamin
Item TypeName
Concept Bundle-Branch Block
Academic Article An appraisal of second degree and paroxysmal atrioventricular block.
Academic Article Pathophysiology of tachycardia- and bradycardia-dependent block in the canine proximal His-Purkinje system after acute myocardial ischemia.
Academic Article Conduction disorders in the canine proximal His-Purkinje system following acute myocardial ischemia. I. The pathophysiology of intra-His bundle block.
Academic Article Conduction disorders in the canine proximal His-Purkinje system following acute myocardial ischemia. II. The pathophysiology of bilateral bundle branch block.
Academic Article Experimental model for study of Mobitz type II and paroxysmal atrioventricular block.
Academic Article Analysis of the A-V conduction defect in complete heart block utilizing His bundle electrograms.
Academic Article Pervenous pacing of the specialized conducting system in man. His bundle and A-V nodal stimulation.
Academic Article A study of heart block in man using His bundle recordings.
Academic Article Patterns of interectopic activation recorded during pleomorphic ventricular tachycardia after myocardial infarction in the dog.
Academic Article Permanent His bundle pacing to replace biventricular pacing for cardiac resynchronization therapy.
Academic Article Functional aspects of His bundle physiology and pathophysiology: Clinical implications.
Academic Article To the Editor- His bundle pacing.
Academic Article Subthreshold Stimulation for His Bundle Pacing.
Academic Article Normalization of bundle branch block patterns by distal His bundle pacing. Clinical and experimental evidence of longitudinal dissociation in the pathologic his bundle.
Academic Article The significance of dissociation of conduction in the canine His bundle. Electrophysiological studies in vivo and in vitro.
Academic Article The effects of filtering the His-Purkinje system electrocariogram.
Academic Article Extracardiac recordings of His-Purkinje activity during conduction disorders and junctional rhythms.
Academic Article Alternate patterns of premature ventricular excitation during induced atrial bigeminy.
Search Criteria
  • Bundle Branch Block