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One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Campbell, Matthew
Item TypeName
Concept Cross-Sectional Studies
Concept Cross-Over Studies
Academic Article Comparison of appetite responses to high- and low-glycemic index postexercise meals under matched insulinemia and fiber in type 1 diabetes.
Academic Article Co-Ingestion of Whey Protein with a Carbohydrate-Rich Breakfast Does Not Affect Glycemia, Insulinemia or Subjective Appetite Following a Subsequent Meal in Healthy Males.
Academic Article A small dose of whey protein co-ingested with mixed-macronutrient breakfast and lunch meals improves postprandial glycemia and suppresses appetite in men with type 2 diabetes: a randomized controlled trial.
Academic Article High level of clinical inertia in insulin initiation in type 2 diabetes across Central and South-Eastern Europe: insights from SITIP study.
Academic Article Large pre- and postexercise rapid-acting insulin reductions preserve glycemia and prevent early- but not late-onset hypoglycemia in patients with type 1 diabetes.
Academic Article Association of exercise participation levels with cardiometabolic health and quality of life in individuals with hepatitis C.
Academic Article Associations Between Erythrocyte Membrane Fatty Acid Compositions and Biomarkers of Vascular Health in Adults With Type 1 Diabetes With and Without Insulin Resistance: A Cross-Sectional Analysis.
Academic Article Impact of food processing on postprandial glycaemic and appetite responses in healthy adults: a randomized, controlled trial.
Search Criteria
  • Cross Over Studies